Student Support

International School of Navarra offers an English Language Support Programme (EAL) for students who need to improve their English in order to follow the British curriculum. We also offer a Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) programme for non-Spanish speaking students. The centre has professionals dedicated to addressing diverse educational needs and designing specific and individualised interventions. Its aim is to help students develop to their full potential, including those with high intellectual abilities, ADHD and learning difficulties.

EAL Programme

International School of Navarra offers the same curriculum as any UK school, and children aged six and over require a minimum level of English to follow the classes. When students join our school in Primary, they sometimes need support to reach the level of their new classmates.

During the admission process for courses above Early Years, English language skills are assessed and the Admissions team evaluates whether a child will be able to join the British system. Our center can provide targeted and specific support to students who, even having a low level of the language, demonstrate a great capacity for understanding and a desire to learn.

Most children who need the EAL program are able to follow the normal rhythm of classes by the end of their first academic year. During those initial months at the center, these students receive several hours a week of personalized attention, individually or in pairs, to improve their knowledge of the language.

ELE Programme

BSN is a school with an international vocation, and we have an ELE (“Spanish as a Foreign Language”) program aimed at children who do not come from Spanish-speaking families. Our goal is to enrich the learning and cultural experience of these students. The ELE Program is for those who arrive at BSN without a command of Spanish that allows them to follow classes in this language. They receive support until they can integrate into Spanish classes with the rest of the students.

Students work in a personalized way, individually or in small groups, to improve their knowledge and skills in the Spanish language. Host language support is essential for successful integration at school and in the wider culture and shows respect for our cultural environment.

Educational needs

Our school has professionals dedicated to meeting educational needs that students may have. The goal is to provide individualized support and follow-up to students facing a wide range of difficulties (both academic and personal). We aim to improve the early identification, referral system and specific support of students with some learning difficulties at different school stages.

For this, our team studies each case following the Waves of Intervention program, designing specific and individualized interventions to help develop the maximum potential of every student.

The specific educational needs are those referred, for example, to High Intellectual Abilities, Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning difficulties. To support these students, an action plan is designed based on their preferences and interests, taking into account their learning style.